Week of Prayer Jan 2024 - Wednesday

Wednesday: Spiritual Outpouring

Key Facts To Guide Your Prayers:

  • Since 2000, more than 30 new churches have been planted in Oxford, and the rate of planting is still increasing. On average, there's a new congregation every 6 months!
  • Almost all of Oxford's local churches survived the Covid lockdowns, but most have emerged with a reduced congregation
  • There has been an even bigger reduction in the number of people volunteering to serve other people. As a result, many churches (of all sorts) feel like they are overstretched just to keep going.
  • This year, Love Oxford will be making fresh efforts to reach and connect with churches that remain isolated - which is most commonly the case with small churches that are run entirely by volunteers.
  • There are some exciting inter-church new initiatives, including a Christian Network Group in the County Council and the recent launch of Safe Families with the support of many local churches.
  • There are some 'hot spots' where quite a few people are being born again - notably some city-centre churches, and a few non-English churches.

Prayer Points and Scriptures To Inspire Your Prayer Time:

  • Thank God for church growth in the city and thank him that the rate is continuing to increase (Acts 5:14)
  • Pray for the Lord to cancel the schemes and agendas of the enemy in our city (2 Corinthians 2:11)
  • Pray for beacons of revival to break out across the city in every ethnic group (Joel 2:28-29)
  • Pray for unity amongst the churches of Oxford as we work together to see the city transformed for the name of Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 1:10)
  • Pray for the Lord to continue to bless equip and strengthen Steve as he spearheads Renew Oxford and as he leads the church in being a rudder to the city (Exodus 17:11-12).
  • Pray for senior leaders in the city to publicly attest to experiencing the power of God and that they give their lives to Christ (Nicodemus- John 3, Zaccheus- Luke 19)
  • Pray for the success of the Safe Families initiative, pray this will be a catalyst for the restoration of families across the city by the power of the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:13-17)