Starting off - Say hello to God, remind yourself that you are here to spend time with him. Invite him to walk with you and draw close.
Hearing God - There are lots of different ways you might hear from God while out on your prayer walk.
Noticing - While walking your attention might be drawn to an object, place or person. Talk to God about what you are noticing, thank him for it and ask for his blessing and protection.
Pictures - You might get a picture in your head, talk to God and ask what He wants to show you through this picture.
Words - God may speak to you or remind you of a passage of the bible. Thank him for talking to you and ask him to help you understand what he is saying.
Feelings - You might get a physical sensation in your body, this might be God getting your attention. Ask Him to reveal what he is highlighting.
What Next?
Please share what you have heard from God. We want to build a picture of how he is at work across the city. Specifically, please share what you believe the Lord was laying on your heart by emailing @email, so we can ensure it is shared with the prayer leader for the evening prayer meeting.