In this series...
Lois Fulton wraps up our 'Unforced Rythms' series this week with Sanjay Mahtani and Jo Male hosting the meeting. Worship is led by Hannah Robertshaw and Elizabeth Clayton.
In week 3 of our 'Unforced Rhythms' series, Elizabeth Clayton shares with us how we are called to imitate Jesus. Steve Jones hosts the meeting with worship lead by Bex Lawton and Josh Wells.
This week we hear from Steve Jones as he continues our Unforced Rhythms series.
Andy O'Connell and Simon Thomas lead the meeting with worship led by Hannah Robertshaw and Elizabeth Clayton.
We also break bread together as part of our worship, if you are joining us online, have bread and wine (or suitable alternatives) ready with you.
Andy O'Connell starts our new series 'Unforced Rhythms'. Dan and Erica Kirk lead the meeting with Emmanuel & Elizabeth Omuederiaye leading us in worship.