The word ‘church’ evokes a wide range of thoughts and ideas. A building, with stained-glass and uncomfortable pews. A loving community where all can belong. A dwindling, divided, and flawed institution. But according to the Bible, the church is something precious. It is the wisdom of God. This series explores some of the biblical images of the church, considering what they reveal about God’s purpose for His people.
In this series...
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus used a selection of images to describe his people: salt, light, and a city on a hill. In the final talk of this series, Susanna considers what it means for the church to be visible, so that people might see our good deeds and glorify God.
Throughout the Bible God’s people are depicted as a bride. We are His beloved, called into intimate relationship. In this talk, Sanjay Mahtani explores our calling to be the Bride of Christ, and how he longs for us to live in love and purity.
The church is not meant to be a static (or dwindling) thing. Rather, it is meant to be a place of growth and life. In this talk, Steve Jones considers how churches grow, and how we can partner with God in being a fruitful field.
Paul regularly describes the church like a body, of which Christ is the head. In this talk, Anthony Akinwale explores what it means for the church to be the body of Christ, and how we each need one another, if we are to be a healthy and fully-functioning body.
For the Jewish people the Temple was the centre of their lives. It was the place where they worshipped and brought sacrifices; the place where God and humanity could meet. In this talk, Dan Kirk considers what it means for the church today to be a Holy Temple.
Jesus prayed for his church, that they would be one, even as the Trinity – Father, Son and Spirit – are one. In this talk, Liam Thatcher considers the call and challenge of unity, and how a unified church can be a powerful witness in a divided world.
Throughout the Bible, God’s people are depicted as a flock of sheep under the care of a shepherd. In this talk, Steve Jones explores both God’s desire for His church as a precious flock, and also His vision for healthy and godly leadership.
Two of the most common images used for the church are that of a house and a family. Together, they paint a picture of something that is deeply relational, but also quite challenging! In this talk, Bex Lawton considers the implications of these images for how we seek to live as the church.
God declared to Moses that He had chosen Israel to be a ‘treasured possession, a holy nation, a kingdom of priests.’ In this talk, Steve Jones considers what this lofty calling means, and how it applies today to us as the church.
Throughout the Bible, God has always had a people who He has handpicked, and with whom He has made covenant. In this sermon, Sanjay Mahtani considers what it means for the church to be the covenant people of God today.