Investing in generous giving - Gift Days 2023
Steve Jones, OCC Senior Pastor, introduces our founding vision for the church - and how that leads us to prepare for our 2023 Gift Days on Sundays 18 and 25 June, and 2 July.
Steve Jones, OCC Senior Pastor, introduces our founding vision for the church - and how that leads us to prepare for our 2023 Gift Days on Sundays 18 and 25 June, and 2 July.
Part 3 of a 3 part blog. Part 1. Part 2.
This is a barometer. A barometer helps us understand what is going on with the weather, which is always a bit hard to work out (esp in Britain). It helps us understand something that is a bit complicated. A barometer doesn't tell us everything we need to know about the weather, but it tells us enough to discern what is going on.
Part 2 of a 3 part blog. Part 1. Part 3.
When I spoke a few days ago on this topic, an image that seemed to grab people's attention was this bucket. The bucket is overflowing because of the incoming flow of water. I asked, 'Is this bucket's generosity to do with how wonderful the bucket is, or something else?'
Part 1 of a 3 part blog. Part 2.
What is our problem!? Why do we dislike talking about money so much? Of all the talks we do in church, the one on money is one that most regularly touches a nerve! It has been said, 'If you want to start an argument in Christian circles, bring up tithing!'