New series: Unforced rhythms

By Andy O'Connell (on behalf of the Elders)

From 17 October to 7 November, we're doing a 4 weeks series on Sundays entitled Unforced Rhythms. For the after-series resources, read this blog.

This is a phrase from Jesus’ words in Matthew 11: “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls”. The Message Bible beautifully paraphrases this as

Andy O'Connell (on behalf of the Elders)

A Pattern for a Purpose

By Iulia Mirzac

I often don’t notice the difference my daily quiet time with God really makes until I fall out of the discipline of having one. Being too busy to “stay still and know that He is God” renders me an easy target for the one who walks around looking to destroy what God has built. Before I know it, I become fearful, doubtful, grumpy and insecure.

I used to think of devotional times as a necessity to ‘please’ God. Something to do, to achieve, to perfect, in the hope that it may earn God’s attention, mercy, perhaps even love.

Iulia Mirzac

Location, location, location!

By Mark Poniatowski

When thinking about consistent devotional prayer, location can be very important. I guess you might think that if the Holy Spirit is omnipresent, why should location matter at all? In a sense it shouldn’t: God can be at your desk whilst you pray in the library just as he can be present in your room just before you go to bed. However, I know that I’m a human, and in the hubbub of this world I need consistent time and space in order to focus in prayer, and I want to give you two top tips as to what we can to make sure our devotional locations are on point:

Mark Poniatowski

Shaking up our devotional lives!

By Al McNicoll

This term, our preaching series is entitled 'Open Heaven, Changing Lives', and through it we're hoping to see our prayer lives flourish and our lives follow Jesus more closely - so 'prayer and discipleship' if you like.

Al McNicoll