Gift Day 2023 Update

By Andy O'Connell

Now that the dust has settled, we wanted to report further on the Gift Days in June 2023.  

As a reminder, our 2023 Gift Day season was framed in terms of generosity! God is generous. He wants his people to 'inherit his DNA' of generosity, and for us to seek to foster that culture as a church community. As Senior Pastor Steve said, "These Gift Days are a nudge to get us all into the groove of generosity, even extraordinary generosity: some might start giving regularly for the first time; all are invited to add an offering." 

Gift Day Update

By Andy O'Connell

Now that the dust has settled, we wanted to report further on the Gift Days in September 2021. 

As Sanjay said in a previous blog, "through September, we spent four weeks looking together at money! We walked with Jesus towards Jerusalem, looking at four stories about money in Luke 19-21. We considered our attitude in giving, the aim of our giving, the amount we give, and what God does when we use our money for His Kingdom. …

Gift Days (September 2021) - an update

By Sanjay Mahtani

Through September, we spent four weeks looking together at money! We walked with Jesus towards Jerusalem, looking at four stories about money in Luke 19-21. We considered our attitude in giving, the aim of our giving, the amount we give, and what God does when we use our money for His Kingdom. Through it all, we remembered that we give because God is the ultimate giver - for God so loved the world that He GAVE Jesus! 

Investing in our Future - Gift Days 2021

By Andy O'Connell (on behalf of the Elders)

In 21-22 we want to invest in development / growth / breakthrough, especially in our four Future Focus goals. 

To do this we want to invest in releasing more time from some members of staff and leadership, in order that they can increase their focus. Ideally, we want to increase capacity (time) for these people. If you're not sure who's who, look here

Andy O'Connell (on behalf of the Elders)