Changing our identity

By Andy O'Connell

So, we're 3 weeks into our 9 weeks Sunday series on IDENTITY! How's it going for you?

The series comes in 3 parts, each of 3 weeks: 

We've concluded 3 weeks looking at God the Father, and how we find our identity as His children, in relation to Him. He has adopted us and wants us to see ourselves as He sees us. 

We're about to start 3 weeks looking at God the Son, and how His momentous death and resurrection was a pivot-point in world history, changing how we relate to God. We're going to see how to walk in forgiveness and the dignity of who we are in Christ.

Change is coming - pay close attention to God

By Steve Jones

Last Sunday, a flurry of four prophetic messages were shared.

For anyone unfamiliar with ‘prophetic messages’: The Bible describes them as God's gift to us. We expect – and enjoy – the fact that God communicated with people, so that they can then speak his message to us. Such words really help us. They encourage us and build us up – and sometimes disturb us!

How do we know it’s God’s message for us? We ask questions like: Are they consistent with the Bible? Are they in keeping with other such messages that we have received? Is the person speaking of good character?