Georgina Clark

Georgina Clark

Missional Team

Events and blogs involving this person:


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This Sunday we have Sam Saunderson preaching from 2 Kings 3. 

We also have baptisms as part of our worship this week. Find out more about baptism here.




This event will be livestreamed

Sanjay Mahtani speaks to us about how we are sanctified through Christ. Andrew and Georgina Clark lead the meeting with Hannah Robertshaw and Elizabeth Clayton leading us in worship.



This event will be livestreamed

This week we will continue our series Kingdom Seeds this Sunday looking at the book of Matthew 13:1-23.

Jo Male speaks, with Andrew and Georgina Clark lead the meeting, with Hannah Robertshaw leading us in worship.



This event will be livestreamed

Andy O'Connell, with help from Simon Thomas, concludes our short series on core values. More on that series on our blog here. 

Andrew & Georgina Clark lead the service, with worship by Daniel and Jenna Wood. 

For any practical questions, including about children, youth and Covid-secure arrangements, click on Sunday Info above.
