Anthony Akinwale

Anthony Akinwale

Prayer Team

Events and blogs involving this person:


This event will be livestreamed

This Sunday, Anthony Akinwale finishes our series on the book of James, by speaking to us about 'Faith and Prayer'. Steve & Bev Jones lead our meeting, with Jenna & Dan Wood leading us is worship.



This event will be livestreamed

Join us this morning as Steve Jones introduces our Week of Prayer on this the first of our Gift Days. Sanjay Mahtani and Anthony Akinwale lead our meeting with Josh Wells and Grace Harrison leading us in worship.



This event will be livestreamed

This Sunday, Steve Jones continues our series: "Worship in the Spirit", by speaking to us about praying in the spirit. Liam Thatcher and Anthony Akinwale lead our meeting, with Josh Wells leading us in worship.



This event will be livestreamed

This Sunday, Anthony continues our series, 'Seven Signs in John', by speaking to us about the feeding of the five thousand. Jo Male and Simon Thomas lead our meeting, with Josh Wells leading us in worship.


For Tiny Tots (0-4yrs) there will be a Stay & Play. King's Kids (4-11yrs) will be meeting this week, but Youth (11-18yrs) will be staying in the main service.
