Gift Days 2024

Oxford Community Church is a generous community, made up of so many people who give sacrificially of their time, energy, wisdom, love and – yes! – money to make our church a community that offers abundant life to others. Thank you so much for the part that you play, especially for those things that go unseen by everyone except God. 

As an expression of our generosity, we make it our regular habit to hold gift days, in which we give towards the planned activities for the year, which enable us to be a blessing to the city. These gift days are an annual prompt to renew our trust in God, and it’s always fun to see how He provides when we trust Him to do “more than all we ask or imagine”!

Gift Days 2024

This year we will be taking our offerings over three weeks, from 16–30 June, and we are trusting God for £50,000.

At a Church Family Meeting in May, Steve took some time to reflect on all that God is doing in the life of the church, and to look forward to what we believe He has for us in the coming years. If you missed the meeting, you can catch up with the recording here. We also recently sent out an email reminding us of some stories of God’s faithfulness, and outlining some of the headline figures. If you have further questions, please email @email 

These gift days are a great opportunity for us all to exercise faith and generosity, so we would invite you to consider what part you have to play, through praying and giving.

How to Pray

Firstly, would you join us in praying that God would provide more than the £50,000 that we need through these Gift Days? From 16–23 June we will also be holding a Week of Prayer and we will be praying for this offering, in addition to other regular prayer for our church, our city and our nations.

Steve recently shared a story about River Valley Church in Minnesota, who have a culture of dreaming about how much they could give away. For example, someone might say, “I dream of giving £500 to a homeless project, and £500 to the church’s Gift Day,” even though that’s more than they could afford, and would then start praying for God to make that possible. This culture has led to that church giving away an amazing $10 million each year.

In this season of remembering that God can do “immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine” (Eph 3:20), we’re expecting that God will answer such prayers with stories of miraculous provision, such as we’ve seen so often in the past.

So would you also join us in dreaming about what to give, and praying for God to provide the means to give it?

How to Give

For some, as we pray God may prompt us to give regularly to the church for the first time. For others, it might mean increasing your regular giving. For many, it will be a one-off gift over-and-above your regular tithe.

We will be taking offerings in our Sunday services on 16, 23 and 30 June, if you would like to give in person, or make a pledge. But since many of us give online, you are welcome to do so at any point over the coming weeks. The main ways to do so are:

  • Bank Transfer

This is our preferred way of receiving offerings, since other methods result in the service provider taking a small percentage as processing fees.

You can give via your online banking to:

Oxford Community Church
Account: 70679976
Sort Code 20-97-48. 

Please include as your reference GiftDay24 to help us correctly identify your offering.

  • ChurchSuite

Should you wish to give by card via ChurchSuite, you can do so through the module below. Please note, ChurchSuite takes a small percentage as processing fees, so bank transfer would be preferable. And if you are a UK taxpayer, ticking the Gift Aid option allows us to claim back 25% on top of your gift, at not cost to you.


Further Questions?

If you have further questions about this gift day, please email @email