
This event will be livestreamed here

This Sunday, we were joined by a team from Bethel Church, Redding, California, and Alyssa Morris spoke to us from Numbers 13-14 about living as a people of faith, who inherit the promises of God.

Before the service

local_parking Park free at The King's Centre

accessibility 10:00am Pre-service prayer - all welcome

local_cafe 10:00-10:25am Free refreshments

hub Chat to our welcome team

group_add Join our mailing list


During the service

settings_accessibility 10:30am Service starts promptly

lyrics Sung worship (optional participation)

wine_bar Monthly communion

child_care 11:00am Activities for children and youth

toll Opportunity to give financially

chat_bubble_outline A talk applies the Bible to life today

diversity_3 Prayer is offered for individual needs

browse_gallery We end around midday


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Updated 28 November 2023