Wellbeing during isolation

By Steve Jones, for the pastoral team

Person looking at lake

We are now over a month into lockdown and it’s testing us all. Some extroverts may now be wishing for some personal space, whilst introverts are starting to feel the need to party!

Clearly, whatever your circumstances, it is increasingly hard to be confined to home, even to the point of adversely affecting your wellbeing – or even your mental health.

There’s an ocean of advice being posted online about this. Some of it’s really good, but it can be hard to find amidst the noise.

So, I thought it might be helpful to point you towards a few particular gems, provided by people that I know and trust. If you’re finding things tough right now, or trying to support others, then you may well find some of the following helpful:

Emily Sturgess knows more than most about isolation, having been largely confined to home by illness for a long period of time. Here is her ‘Isolation Advice’.

Carol Jackman was one of our first church members to go into isolation with Covid-19 symptoms, and she has recorded this testimony meeting God in and through that isolation. Watch here.

Lyn Waddington is a woman of many talents, including being a trained counsellor. She has written a biblical reflection on the challenges any people are currently facing, and also given information about further resources on wellbeing and mental health, which you can find here.

Mike Fisher has been coaching me for the last couple of years, and recently posted a video explaining a really good exercise on engaging our emotions with our faith. For some, his written list of emotions will help you see what is really happening inside of you for the first time. For everyone, it's so helpful to see how attending to our emotions can guide us both to healthier actions and to deeper faith.