Shaking up our devotional lives!

By Al McNicoll

Devotions - Bible on table

This term, our preaching series is entitled 'Open Heaven, Changing Lives', and through it we're hoping to see our prayer lives flourish and our lives follow Jesus more closely - so 'prayer and discipleship' if you like.

As a student team, we've been thinking about one or two things in our own devotional lives that have transformed our relationship with God for the better. Not every one will be helpful to everybody, but they're ideas to explore. As they appear over the next few weeks, why not try to incorporate the ideas into your own devotions - your individual times of prayer and worship - and see if they bring greater closeness, honesty, revelation and life to your relationship with God!

Lastly, if you have a pattern, idea, method or discipline that has transformed your walk with God, and you're happy to share it, please drop me a line - we'd love to include it here!