A prophetic encouragement shared by Bev, on Sunday 25th September 2022
There is a sense of ‘the end of things’ in Autumn, a time when life seems to be losing energy, dropping away, fruitfulness coming to an end, and there are people who are feeling this way about their lives and situations. And yet when we meet with God’s people on a Sunday, there is life and energy, the very presence and ‘scent’ of the Holy Spirit being felt, imbibed, and bringing life to us as individuals.
I have an orange tree in the house that is presently in ‘full flower’ in Autumn! Its scent fills the room, changing the atmosphere, its presence is impossible to miss. God says I’m bringing ‘flowering and life out of season’, despite the circumstances and the season we are presently in.
God reminds us that this ‘life’ we sense in church community on a Sunday is ‘life giving’, it is of the Spirit of God, it can bring transformation and healing to other people’s lives, if we carry it with us into our homes, workplaces, colleges, and communities. Worship brings healing, by carrying our worshipful hearts into these places. Jesus will work out the miraculous as we allow him to use us, which is an overflow of the blessing we receive from him.
Mathew ch.10 v7 says: ‘As you go, preach this message: the Kingdom of Heaven is near. Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those with leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.’
In the text ‘the Kingdom of Heaven’ can mean various things, but in the context of this word there is a sense of ‘heaven drawing near to us’ as we worship the living God. We can carry ‘the Kingdom of Heaven’ with us and see the blessing of lives healed and transformed around us. Let’s be part of Christ’s kingdom plan, to be blessed and be a blessing!