Oxford in Tier 2

By Andy O'Connell (on behalf of the Covid Working Group)

Heart drawn in sand

On Saturday 31 October, Oxford City will move into Tier 2 "High Alert" for coronavirus. More information from Oxford City Council, including a map of the City boundary, can be found here

We wanted to let you know that Places of Worship remain open and unaffected by the change, so we are going ahead with our Sunday services. With Covid-secure precautions at The King's Centre, and OCC paying close attention to the government's guidance for Places of Worship, we will continue to provide a safe environment for people to meet and worship God together. 

The move to Tier 2 does affect our midweek Communities. These can still meet at The King's Centre and online, but in-person home gatherings are now limited to 6 people outdoors for those in Tier 2, or 6 people indoors for those in Tier 1. 

If you have any questions, please visit our Coronavirus page which we've updated in the last 24 hours. 

Just a reminder - as part of our service we will be sharing Communion together. If you're joining from home via our livestream, please prepare some bread & wine (or alternatives). 

As ever, if you have a pastoral need please email the pastoral team or a more practical need, please contact the office.