In 1985, Steve Thomas was the founding Senior Pastor when Oxford Community Church was planted. Since then, God has led Steve and his wife Lorraine into what we call 'apostolic ministry' in our wider international family of churches, including senior leadership of our Salt & Light International family of churches on four continents.
In this recording from Sunday 10th September 2023, Steve and Lorraine were honoured and commissioned by the Oxford church as they move geographically to a new home elsewhere in the UK, and sense a fresh call from God to lead a team expanding God's work in Europe.
Steve and Lorraine have asked us to pass on their thanks: "We would like to thank OCC for the time of commissioning last Sunday and indeed for the support of this church family over the years!"
How can you get involved?
Pray! As Steve and Lorraine move into this new season of life and apostolic ministry, we encourage you to watch this update, and to pray for them. If you would like to join a list of regular prayer supporters please email @email (Ruth Morton)
Honour! At this important moment of transition for Steve and Lorraine, we're also taking this opportunity to honour them by collecting anecdotes, appreciations and photos. If you would like to contribute, please email @email with your stories or comments by the end of September.
Give! Some of you may also wish to support them financially, in the same way we often support other missionaries. As donors to Oxford Community Church, you can give a one-off donation or give regularly by filling in the online form on our Giving Page and choosing 'Steve and Lorraine' in the drop down menu.