Gift Days (September 2021) - an update

By Sanjay Mahtani


Through September, we spent four weeks looking together at money! We walked with Jesus towards Jerusalem, looking at four stories about money in Luke 19-21. We considered our attitude in giving, the aim of our giving, the amount we give, and what God does when we use our money for His Kingdom. Through it all, we remembered that we give because God is the ultimate giver - for God so loved the world that He GAVE Jesus! 

Gloriously, we also saw God provide financially, as we invited you to participate in three gift days. God provided more than we asked or imagined, so we will be going ahead with the increases in staff time as planned, investing in our four development goals: 

  • A school of the Spirit 
  • Every member equipped 
  • Developing effective mission 
  • A sound in the city 

How did God speak to you? If God spoke about getting involved in an area of our church life together, get in touch with @email and let us know what God has been doing. Perhaps He shared fresh vision around giving to the church? He might have spoken to you about your attitude to money, breaking the control or fear of money, or breaking anxiety. Maybe you have a testimony of financial breakthrough that came during the month! If so, we'd love to hear it and celebrate together with you. 

  • Take some time this week to reflect on God as 'the great giver' – He gladly gave His only precious Son to come and save the world. Are you a cheerful, purposeful, generous giver? 
  • When did you last review your income, outgoings, giving, tithing, saving? Is it time for a review?
  • Do you need help managing your finances? Get in touch with @email and we’d be delighted to talk with you.

Let's thank God for His provision, and go forward together in cheerful generosity!