I'm currently using Nicky Gumbel's excellent (and free!) Bible In One Year to help me keep going with my personal daily bible reading. This morning Nicky commented: 'It is an amazing blessing to be able to wake up each morning and know that God is with you and that he wants to speak to you. This is why I love to read the Bible first thing in the morning. I am desperate to know Gods thoughts.' My response was 'Yes!' and his comment has reinspired me in my Bible-reading efforts!
In our communities (aka lifegroups, midweek groups) we have sometimes struggled to see how to include Bible study in the life of those groups when guests are present. Perhaps church members tend to click into a style of study that is overly intellectual, or perhaps we dont see how Bible study could include unbelievers. Happily, we have now been introduced to an approach that can overcome both of these problems. The so-called Discovery Bible Study (DBS) approach has proved a very effective tool for developing Christian thinking, Christian habits and Christian living!
- DBS puts scripture at the centre! Rather than someone preparing a 'talk' or a 'teaching', DBS simply asking a series of simple questions that groups use to study the text. DBS thereby puts a high place on the authority of the Bible and its effectiveness in helping people live as Christians.
- DBS produces change! DBS is sometimes called obedience-based Bible study because of a focus on doing what the word says rather than just hearing the word.
- DBS requires minimal preparation! The group simply comes together around the text. A facilitator keeps the discussion on track, but the group leader doesnt need to spend a significant amount of time preparing studies, but rather they can focus on other aspects of leading a community.
- DBS is suitable for Christians and non-Christians who are just asking questions! DBS is a great tool, regardless of who is in the room.
How does a DBS work? Firstly, DBS works best when the group is small enough for everyone to take part, perhaps 4-5 people. If your group is larger, break into smaller groups for discussion.
The overall framework for a DBS is as follows: Accountability > Bible > Commit.
1. Accountability
After the first week, the group reports back on how things are going. Since the previous meeting, how have their needs been met or how have they helped others with needs?
- What happened last week for which you are thankful? (discipling people to praise God for change)
- *What struggles are happening in your life, family or community? (be brief; dont get stuck here)
- How have you responded to what you learned last time? (discipling accountability)
- *How did the attempt to help with the needs go? (discipling servanthood)
2. Bible
Read the passage and ask someone to retell the passage using their own words. Then ask:
- What did you like about this passage?
- Did anything bother you? Why?
- What does this passage tell us about God?
- What does this passage tell us about man?
- Is there anything in this passage that God is asking us to do? ...obey?
3. Commit
- What is God saying to me through this, and what am I going to do about it?
- Who can I tell about what I have learnt here, within the next week?
- *Earlier we heard about certain needs: How can we help meet that need?
One more question that is needed at times!
- Where is that in this passage? Or, 'no hyperlinking allowed!' To keep discussion on track, the group asks this question when someone tries to bring in topics that are not in the text, coaching people to depend on Scripture as their source of spiritual authority.
Why not have a go with your midweek group? In particular, in Spring 2016, along with churches we're friends with in the Leys, Bicester and Kidlington, we're going to be working through a Sunday teaching series on the Big Story of the Bible. when your group meets during that season, why not use DBS as a tool to help you go deeper, and make sure that you apply the stuff that's being taught on Sundays?
See also...
Audio recording of a DBS seminar at the S&L International Leaders Conference 2014, hosted by Jerry Trousdale and Len Bartlotti: www.dropbox.com/s/a138us0ejr4k1v9/ilc14-jerry-seminar1.mp3?dl=0
Video training on the Bible Study process as a part of a Discovery Group: www.youtube.com/watch?v=azJq4McK7uc