On Sunday 26th March, we had the second of our vision evenings. You can listen to the recording of the evening here.
We started off spending time reflecting on the feedback received from the first vision evening, where we reflected on three areas: our vision of 'Boundless Renewal', our community groups, and becoming a more intercultural church.
Steve then shared about how we are starting to respond to a word God gave to the church 15 years ago - that we will be a rudder to the city! And in groups we discussed the question: If you had the power to change one thing in Oxford, what would you change and why?
To finish, Steve updated us on the plans for the Osney Mead development and discussions that have taken place between OCC and the university. And we all prayed for the future of the King's Centre & OCC and its place in the future of the Osney Mead estate.
We are keen for all the input we can get, and for those of you who have just listened to the audio, it may have prompted things you want to communicate with us. Please email the office @email.
While every member's perspectives contribute to how we move forward together, we're especially keen to discern what God might be saying to us. If you have prophetic contributions, please include them and ensure they are clearly marked as such.